Beton7 Dance Festival | «Beauty and the Beast» by Soyuz dance company

Date: October 6th, 7th, 13th, 14th, 20th, 21th, 27th, 28th 2014 
Time: 21:00
Duration: 40 min
Ticket price: 10€, Student & unemployed 5€ 

Choreography: Olga Spyraki (Soyuz dance company)
Dancer: Margarita Trikka
Digital image: Manos Arvanitakis 
Music: Anargyros Deniozos
Lightning: Pavlos Mauridis
Costumes: Mikaela Liakata 
Makeup artist: Lea Apostolopoulou 
Set construction: Thodoris Loukeris

*We would like to thank Vassilis Skarmoutsos, Christos Atzinas and 
Frosso Trousa from Dance (Dance Cultural Centre).


"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you."

Friedrich Nietzsche, "Beyond Good and Evil"   

Every man's path is closely linked to his social position. But in our standoff with life we are anyway powerless and alone.

The show is the result of research of the concept of "fascism" as this is reflected in our body's informal language and occurs in social and political context that we are experiencing. We create a character's path and we watch him on stage as he walks into this path.

We also try to see deep in the factors that leaded him in choosing such a particular ideology and expressionism.

In a fake theatrical reality, a "universe" comes to life, with the political aspect of our contemporary world, where the human existance is interpreted with movement.      

(Soyuz team logo: pan pan (Panayiotis Pantazis).)




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