FRIDAY 24 MARCH 2017  8.30 pm til late

BETON7   Pydnas 7, Votanikos




sharing works in progress in a non-ego space


Join us for our third poetry meeting on Friday March 24th 8.30pm at Beton7!  

poetic works / works-in-the-making / poetries linguistic & non / philosophies linguistic & non / musics / videos / performances / etcs …

Everyone & all language welcome. Suggested duration of presentations no longer than 7 minutes.

kyrck (noise) will play live with us!



DO       PLAY



There will be a table set up for books, zines, pamphlets etc, feel free to bring your own

For any questions including requests for sound and/or image equipment, please get in touch beforehand:

Helen Dimos (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) &  (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )



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