

Lisa Alexander / / Hari Marini

multilogue facilitates a roving, participatory poetic experiment that seeks to frame a collective witnessing of moments occurring through varying social constellations and conurbations of Athens in order to transcribe a series of narrativities of the social imaginary. Writing the present through describing a future.  

multilogue acknowledges the legacy of language events and collaborative writing processes by art movements in the past - reframing these processes with reference to a climate of precarity, the increased colonisation of imagination by neoliberal and global economic processes and effects on social space – in which shared narrativity might enable the agency to imagine together-otherwise.

Each multilogue involves participants in a short poetic game producing collective texts contemplating being together in a process of hospitality to the moment. Multilingual and poly-vocal. Gatherings are impromptu and open to all. The game is followed by a vocally recorded group reading to be broadcast on Beton7ArtRadio. 


multilogue will take place 25 – 26 June 2016 in different public spaces across Athens: public squares and avenues, Pedion tou Areos, Green Park and other outdoor locations in different neighbourhoods, locales and areas of the city and beyond and at different times of day.


27 June at Beton7: a gathering from 20:00 followed by a radio broadcast

27 June – 3 July 2016: broadcasts on Beton7ArtRadio <<watch this space>>

multilogue is part of Performance Biennal first edition: NO FUTURE and V_ideas performances 2016 at Beton7

Lisa Alexander is an independent artist, curator and writer whose work explores the performance of the witness and artistic practice as a lens on social change. She makes performance, sound installation, textual works and has held residencies in the UK and internationally funded by Arts Council England, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Pro Arte Institute amongst others. She recently curated Love Letters to a (Post-)Europe at BIOS, Athens (2015) that involved original works by 26 international artists. She is currently planning a book version of the festival in addition to developing a new performance exploring the speech act of the promise and the context of Europe. Lisa holds a PhD in the Drama, Theatre and Performance studies (Roehampton 2014), was an Associate Researcher on Performance Matters, (LADA, Goldsmiths and Roehamptom 2009-2012). Lisa originally trained in dance theatre at LABAN (1996) http://www.lisaalexander.co.uk 


Hari Marini is a researcher, performance maker, and founder member of PartSuspended performance group (www.partsuspended.com).She delivers workshops to performers and since 2006 she has taught various modules in the Drama Department of Queen Mary University of London. She holds a PhD in Performance from Queen Mary University of London. She graduated from Central School of Speech and Drama in 2005 with an MA in Advanced Theatre Practice. She has also a diploma in Acting and in Civil Engineering. She has published her work in Contemporary Theatre Review and Performance Research and has presented papers to conferences in the UK, Greece, Prague and New York.


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