ELECTRIC NIGHTS | Medea Electronique Beyond Reasoning
4 channel audiovisual installation

Exhibition duration: November 23th - 28th
Exhibition hours: 14:30 - 20:30 
Admission Free

Beyond Reasoning,
Medea Electronique’s recent work is a four channel audio visual installation piece inspired by Attalis work Noise.  Noise is a resonance that interferes with the audition of a message in the process of emission. It is any disruption of any social process, any source of pain. At the extreme it kills. However, as Nechavatal says noise is disturbing and offensive. It is beyond comprehension and challenges our habitual way of thinking and reasoning. Noise necessarily produces resistance in the mind, creating a “critical distance” via a “body/mind rupture.”

In Medea Electronique’s Beyond Reasoning, noise ranges from the extreme silence to the extreme noise. It represents the inability to express any emotion of resistance. The four characters, powerless stand in front of the camera and their reactions to the soundtrack represent their failure to react against the establishment. In large the project is inspired by the recent economic crisis and the subsequent crisis in moral and values…

By increasing art noise to that threshold, the superabundance of “ideological demonstration becomes non-representational.” Therefore, such a noise art environment becomes a private vacuole (noncommunicational cocoon) of self-reflection, where a newfound depth of self-understanding is achieved, as well as a disillusionment of social spectacles and ideologies.

Medea Electronique
Sound Design: Manolis Manousakis
Visuals: Panayiotis Goubouros

Actors: Lida     Matsagou, Nadia   Deligianni, Haris    Mavroudis, Stavros Loukeris
Voice Imrpovisations: Savvina Yannatou
Director of Photography: Dimitris Kostopoulos
Camera: Kostas Yiagkouridis
Tech Advisor: Thodoris Zioutos






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