The Beton7 Gallery presents the exhibition



Opening reception  : 25 October 2016, 20:00

From 25 October – 18 November 2016


Open:Monday to Friday, 14:00 - 19:00


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Artists: Αgisilaos Robolas,Anna Fairchild, Alexandros Garnavos, Andreas Gavriliadis, Anna Maria Samara, Vagia Houhlia, Gabriel Ftelkopoulos, Georgia Damianou, Giannis Vgontzas,Giannis Robolas,Dimitris Andreosopoulos,Dimitris Vavouras, Evita Pagona,Irene Pouliassi, Elena Kotridou, Elina Geronti, Theodora Mihelopoulou,Josephine Macri, Kyriakos Bournas,Marie Theophilou, Maria Zourou, Marina Aravani, Nikoleta Tsantiki, Nikos Karnabatidis, Olga Bogdanou,Chara Tzevelekou, Sofia Preka, Harris Kontosphyris,Chrysovalanto Georgiou,Nicole Economides.


Curated by:Lo.Ve (Long Vechicle)


Opening reception  : 25 October 2016, 20:00

From 25 October – 18 November 2016

Open:Monday to Friday, 14:00 - 19:00


The entropic nature of grey matter.

The human need, that is, to put some order into chaos.


When a scientist is asked the infinite question (What is life, after all?), it seems that their answer consists mainly of the words “complexity” and “order”. Alas, that question only triggers another: are these two components enough to designate the point at which the human matter and the being came across one another?

Nevertheless, knowing the nature of man does not necessarily mean there is understanding as to what it really is. Man is lost into the vastness of the humane potential that he so incidentally fell upon, and thus has no conscious awareness of his ballpoint-sized place in the timetable of infinity whatsoever. This congenital incapability of human perception that regards the understanding of the latter, becomes a subject of observation, while man is aware of his evanescent nature. So it is due to this subconscious cognition that he endeavors to be nothing else but a mere projection of a synchronized world, and is therefore forced to live in frugality, insecurity, and fear.

Bureaucracy, labor, ineffective experience, as well as the inability to be part of the modern world, all make up the performative function of our society. When man fabricates statues of no significant essence, he turns into a poor reflection of what he has created, all in order for him to reserve a seat into infinity. When the time comes for man to realise that this point that he casually reached is essential no more, man spends his blanket essence as a flat being.

All makes sense as soon as they are given a name, and the non-essential of this point happens as soon as this synchronicity is not perceptible.

Synchronicity of the spot is this acausal principle that connects facts that have relatable meaning, according to their coincidence in time rather than their sequential order of appearance. Then they are synchronised between the mind and the phenomenal cosmos, thereby discovering the entropical nature of the gray matter.


What is now human nature, the very thing that makes us communicate with our three-dimensional, vulnerable body? is it nothing but transhumanism and our effort to create a contemporary vision of us, or our gluttony for posthumous fame?


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