"Visions-V_Ideas, Performances”

4rd Edition

June 2017


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Visions-V_Ideas, Performances

From 12 to 17 June 2017, the fourth edition of the show/action entitled “Visions-V_Ideas, Performances” focusing on performance art, and developing networks locally and internationally, will take place at Beton7, Center for the Arts and in the wider area of Votanikos. This year‘ s programme includes performances and video performances and it explores forms of dialogue between the video and performances in an indisciplinary perspective.

Curator: Demosthenes Agrafiotis


The schedule is as follows:


EXHIBITION|12 June-17 June 2017| Exhibition Hours: Mon-Fri, 2.00-7.00 pm


Monday, 12.06.17

20.00 Exhibition of videos by 

Shalom Gorewitz & Rachel Hadas, 

Ismini Koronidi, Mathilde Melek An, Serge Pey and Chiara Mulas, Demosthenes Agrafiotis




Tuesday 13 June, 20.00 

Performance by Shalom Gorewitz & Rachel Hadas


DTTV is a series of short videos created since the 2016 US Presidential election, that attempt to identify the causes, symptoms, and solutions to dystrumpia, a condition marked by anxiety, sleeplessness, and fear, among other things. Davida and Gunlioth is an obvious reference to the Biblical story, but now it’s a woman wielding a slingshot in the forest in a battle with a man and a gun. Tina’s Favorite Song is a country music tune that teaches a stoic attitude with the help of Greek wisdom. Images for Drinking Song were recorded in a bar in Corfu and set to the opening earworm song of the opera La Traviata. The Russians Are Here superimposes mass events and rallies, national anthems, and competing proverbs. The Nuts Got Loose and the Merry Go Round Broke Down is dada inspired and set to Looney Tunes cartoon theme song.


Tuesday 13 June, 21.30 

Performance by Mathilde Melek An

Mathilde Melek An is a contemporary artist who questions cultural, sexual and territorial identity, memory, both collective and individual, and our relationship to legacy and its transmission through generations.

Delving into her own personal narrative and multicultural references, Mathilde Melek An tries to abolish the rigid borders of the established mediums by mixing together photography, photographic archives, video, sculpture, books, prints, installation and performance. In her work, the image links all these mediums, new modes of expression are explored and experimentation with new mediums makes a lasting image that is yet a perpetual echo of the past.

In a quest of origins, the image uncoils the thread of recounted stories and reveals the portrait of multicultural identities, our worldwide legacy.


Wednesday, 14.06.17

Performance by Nefeli Stamatogiannopoulou

20.00 | The Glass Between, opus 2 -Lines

Artist: Nefeli Stamatogiannopoulou 

Title: The Glass Between, opus 2 -Lines 

Description: Sound Performance /Stage composition 

Year: 2017 

Duration: 30’ 

Credits: Composition-Direction-Concept: 

Nefeli Stamatogiannopoulou 

Performers: Maria Paizi/ Maria Sakka(flute)/ 

Melina Skoufou/Nefeli Stam/Dionisia Chasapi 

Light design: Karol Jarek 

Costumes: Margarita Dosoula 

Supervisor of set design: Olga Brouma 

Make up artist: Hera Magaliou

Video: Chrusoula Korovesi 

Photo by: Irini Stamatogiannopoulou, Nikolas Grigoriou


The performance ‘The Glass Between’ takes us on an audio-visual journey while approaching the relationship between movement and sound through a simple object: A dividing glass. Evolving the elements of her doctoral thesis, Nefeli Stamatogiannopoulou is exploring ways in which the glass, a fragile but at the same time strong material, is capable of separating two worlds and to bring together the technics of music and movement in a creative dialogue. Actors, dancers, musicians and video artists all demonstrate on stage a continuous relation of boundaries and ideals with scripts inspired by diaries and reports of people who have experienced life in prison. The human bodies combined with the technology and the tone colour of the musical instruments, are constructing minute by minute a complete score with main objective the musical composition of The Glass Between.



"Visions-V_Ideas, Performances”

4rd Edition

12 June-17 June 2017


BETON7 | 7 Pidnas str, Votanikos-Athens 11855 (Metro Station Kerameikos), tel.: + 30 2107512625 

www.beton7.com – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | Exhibition Hours: Mon - Fri, 2.00-7.00 pm



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