Athens Photo Festival 2017 @ BETON7

OPENING: Wed 21 June, 2017






Still (Space of death)


I remembered nothing; only the space of death-walking in the space of death. Thus, after the noises that spoke, I remained unconscious. I remained unconscious. Now the world remained behind. Now the world was removed. Well, then I understood. Now the pains were speaking. I knew that I would live no longer. Now I was dead. My sight had gone. Of the world I knew nothing, nor the sound of my ears. Of speech, nothing. Silence. And one knows the space of death, there… And this is death – the space that I saw. I was in its center, standing. Then I went to the heights. From the heights a star-point seemed my due. I was standing. Then I came down. There I was searching for the five continents of the world, to remain, to find me a place in the five continents of the world-in the space in which I was wandering. But I was not able old Ingano Indian.

Culture of Terror–Space of Death. Roger Casement’s Putumayo Report and the Explanation of TortureAuthor(s): Michael Taussig



Searching for Mr. X


Is Mr. X a thief? Was it him who stole my mobile phone in Tel Aviv? I don´t think ! But at least, it is him who unexpectedly turns into a ghost:

Through the dropbox-interface of my mobile phone, I see every photograph Mr. X takes with the camera. I see him, his friends, Eritrean weddings, and I see a community more detailed from the one I was working on between 2010 and 2012. What else I realize on his pictures is a woman I also photographed, before Mr. X did.

Back in Tel Aviv, I set out searching for Mr. X, a search that was never one for my stolen mobile phone. The city I find is home to a community of Orthodox Christians from Eritrea who do not see any future in their home country. This work combines my own photographs during the search in Tel Aviv and Eritrea in combination with those from Mr. X´s.

The search has long turned metaphorical: I revolve around questions which also visually transform a specific inquiry into an odyssey; questions of identity with the implied twist of faith.

Questions I am not only asking Mr. X whom I want to deeply thank for this wonderful faith and… still searching!



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