«Performative in-stallations»
, Performances ending in art-works/installations.

Opening: May 9th, 2013 at 19:00
Dates for performances:  9,10,11 | 05 | 2013 at 19.00 & 20.00, 14 | 05 | 2013 at 19:00
Artist talks: Saturday, May 25th, at 14.00

The performances  of a participating nature,  as  they require the active contribution of 'spectators'. The final  result constitutes an exhibition of  visual arts/installations.

Assist in this process are: Andreas Pashias, Theodoris Papatheodorou and Apostolos Plachouris.

The performance  as energy exchange between the artist's body and the bodies of participants may lead to the formation of artifacts, objects, pictures, sounds. According to this version of the performance, the resulting total product could they claim the status of 'artwork', 'aesthetic object' or 'installation' ? With another expression, the performance could have a dual role: (i) be an autonomous artistic process, (ii) act as a mechanism producing  artifacts/ works of Art.
The dual process highlights the performance aspects associated with the binomials: material / immaterial, individual / collective, physical / mental, without however placing them  strongly  (not even to define in detail) as contrasts.
The performance as a way coupling of gestures of the participants on the occasion and thanks to the materials is ultimately a field where human bonds  are negotiated. But what is the material which  remains of this  collective operation?  A brief and fleeting exchange between the artist and other  participants? Traces of an experiment on what can be a participative  approach? Proof,  that despite all the difficulties and limitations associated with the methods of  performance  itself, the final result in cultivates  ambitions of  artistic achievement? Rests of a purification  in the effort to remove barriers  so that situations, things and people could be transformed? Indication, for fundamental contradiction between the performance itself as ephemeral  act and its  documentation, done as a request to  its completion? Finally, evidence of the celebration-a tribute to the human imagination and the human ability to refer to  the destiny of cultural norms and their “arbitrary”  nature?
Demosthenes Agrafiotis
Poet, performer / Artist  of  Intermedia

1. Zen Garden, alphabets. (Cereals,  pasta, letters, pictures).
2. Amoivaiotita-RECIPROCITY? (Objects, projection, video).
3. Perigrammata-contours. (Paper, pencils, markers).
4. Empedocles-4 elements. (Earth, water, fire, air).
5. Hommage to  Fluxus. (Inter-Media, newspapers, ink).
6. ON  Lyotard. (Video, pictures, sounds, drawings of Indian ink)
7. Crisiologi_a. (Video, animation, sound).

Demosthenes Agrafiotis a poet, visual artist ,Intermedia (painting, photography, iintermedia, epitelesis / performance, installation). Author of books of essays and  research  articles on art, science / technology, health as a socio-cultural phenomena and modernity. Individual and collective exhibitions, painting,photography and visual ( eikonoschimatikis) poetry in Greece and abroad. Participation in   socio-cultural events, mail- art, multimedia,performative  installations , "alternative" artistic activities. Specific interest  for the relations between  art and new technologies - technoscience. Bulletin of  art 'Clinamen' ( 1980-1990) journal "Clinamen" (Pub. Erato 1990-94) and book production of artists books 'Clinamen'.

poiein.gr, hcp.gr www.matchboox.fr





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