KAYKASOS |  Assemblage Aliéné

Opening: Friday, June 7th 2013 | 20.00
Exhibition duration: June 7th – June 21st 2013

Opening Hours: Monday to Friday (14:00 – 20.30) and on Saturdays (from 14:00 to 18.00).

According to the geographical example of the West, Caucasus is the border of Europe and Asia. Being both a spacial limit and a mythical origin of the European civilization,
it's used as an artistic façade and a veil for the unexpected assemblages of the present, a rift in the Empire's timespace and a fold on the geopolitical plain. With its' mineral exoskeletons and the densely constructed interior, it defines anything beyond as its' outside.
The opposing forces are considered external while the dominant discourse evaluates them as a process of corrosion or erosion, following the example of geology.

Assemblage Aliéné crosses these paths, fumbles these sedimentary layers of eugenic racism, creationist mythology, torture and discipline.
Mining precious stones from the mountain tops of the romantic ideal, sand from surrealism and psychology, iron and ashes from Kafka's and Shelley's machinery.

Assemblage Aliéné is an art group focused on their common practice and mediums where unlike paths converge to suggest curating as the collective artwork.

Caucasus exhibition aims to disorientate, to transpose the snowflake's coordinates from the mountain tops. Alienation is the longitude and disciplines is the latitude.

Assemblage Aliéné
Athens, May 2013




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