SPHERES.MODELS | Dimitra Dimopoulou, Krini Dimopoulou, Manolis Daskalakis-Lemos 

Opening: January 7th | 20.00
Exhibition duration: 7 - 25 January 2014
Exhibition Hours: daily 14.00-20.30 | Saturday 14.00

In SPHERES.MODELS Dimitra Dimopoulou, Krini Dimopoulou and Manolis Daskalakis-Lemos present images of contemporary social reality by focusing on different examples of current problems management. The artists explore the relationship between individuals and private or public urban space, the decomposition of economic growth models, fantasies about the future and control techniques of the social deviations.

Krini Dimopoulou collates image fragments of private and public urban spaces. She uses the contours of real archaeological findings and replaces their content with contemporary images, printed on aluminum surfaces. Athenian squares, as places of transit that are carrying a changing symbolism, coexist with house interiors like contemporary archaeological pieces. This juxtaposition of the private and the public sphere seeks the spiritual relationship of the contemporary individual with the two spaces and the boundaries between them.

In his works Manolis Daskalakis - Lemos creates counterpoints between size and value of the work's content and its presentation medium, using images related to the production and the transportation of oil products in Greece. Oil tanker photographs, logos of shipping companies and a video documentation of a crude oil carrier, compose distorted images which are projected on materials of low gravity, despite the commanding importance concerning the massiveness, the price and the influence on the national economy. The dream of finding oil as saviour solution decomposes and the problem focuses on a reconsideration of economic growth models.

Dimitra Dimopoulou creates a new environment where the distance between Halkidiki (Greece) – Texas is ignored and the archival material of a research from both areas takes its place. Here, the two sites demonstrate in a calligraphic way a common mechanism of human repression and of bending social resistance, as well as the possibility of its use in the name of public interest protection.

(Athens, 1988)

Member of MMINE Group and Arbit City group.
2007-2012 Athens School of Fine Arts, Athens
2010-2011 MA Performance Design & Practice, Courses 1&2, Central St. Martin's College of Art & Design, London

Spheres.Models, Beton7 Gallery, Athens
4th Athens Biennale AGORA, 2013 (Arbit City Group)
Dialogue #4: Space and the familiar, Former Campas Facilities, Athens 2013
Arbit City Group in Vouliagmeni Nautical Club, Athens 2013 (Arbit City Group)
Ανταλλαγή /Austausch /Exchange, Broadway Passage, Athens 2012 (ΜΜΙΝΕ Group)
Stopover, Action Field Kodra, Thessaloniki 2012 (Arbit City Group)
KODRA Fresh, Action Field Kodra, Thessaloniki 2011
15th Biennale of the Mediterranean, Thessaloniki 2011 (Arbit City Group)
The Eyer, Central St. Martin's College, London 2010 (MMINE Group)


Member of MMINE Group and Arbit City group.

2007-2012 Athens School of Fine Arts, Athens
2010-2011 MA Performance Design & Practice, Courses 1&2, Central St. Martin's College of Art & Design, London


Solo Exhibitions:
Feral Remnants/Oinousses (CAN Christina Androulidaki gallery, January 2013)

Group exhibitions:
Afresh, a new generation of Greek artists, National Museum of Contemporary Art, 2013
Attack-Decay-Sustain-Release, Nomadenetappe, Linz, Austria
Poetry Will Be Made By All, LUMA/Westbau, Zurich, Curated by Hans Ulrich Obrist, Simon Castets and Kenneth Goldsmith
Spheres.Models, Beton7 Gallery, Athens
The Kiosk, 89plus Marathon, Serpentine Gallery, London
4th Athens Biennale AGORA, 2013 (Arbit City Group)
Ultimate Summit of Cheap Laser Graphics, Tinguely Museum, Basel, Switzerland
ReMap4, What Lies Hidden Remains Unfamiliar, CAN Gallery, Metaxourgio, Athens
Dialogue #4: Space and the familiar, Former Campas Facilities, Athens 2013
Arbit City Group in Vouliagmeni Nautical Club, Athens 2013 (Arbit City Group)
Ανταλλαγή /Austausch /Exchange, Broadway Passage, Athens 2012 (ΜΜΙΝΕ Group)
Stopover, Action Field Kodra, Thessaloniki 2012 (Arbit City Group)
GPO present the Astro Travelers, Art Factory, Athens 2012 (GPO)
15th Biennale of the Mediterranean, Thessaloniki 2011 (Arbit City Group)
The Eyer, Central St. Martin's College, London 2010 (MMINE Group)


Member of MMINE Group and Arbit City group.
2007-2012 Athens School of Fine Arts, Athens
2010-2011 MA Performance Design & Practice, Courses 1&2, Central St. Martin's College of Art & Design, London

Spheres.Models, Beton7 Gallery, Athens
4th Athens Biennale AGORA, 2013 (Arbit City Group)
Dialogue #5: The Day After, Former Campas Facilities, Athens 2013
Arbit City Group in Vouliagmeni Nautical Club, Athens 2013 (Arbit City Group)



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