In collaboration with:

NTA-Norwegian Theatre Academy / Østfold University College

epitelesis - Performance Art Foundation

ASFA (Athens School of Fine Arts)

ISBA (Institut Supérieur des Beaux Arts de Besançon)

Local Improvement - Naturalist & Cultural Association of  Botanical-Rouf: ''Athens''

With the support of the Norwegian Embassy and the Norwegian Institute at Athens.



V_IDEAS, performances

From 07.05 to 24.05.2014 the show entitled “v_ideas, performances” will take place at Beton7, Center for the Arts and in different locations in the wider area of Votanikos. This years programme includes performances, video art, workshops and other activities. The main objective of the program is the coexistence between artists of different generations and countries. Also performance video series will be open for the public to see, collections by international institutions and individual artists. In the workshops the artists will have the opportunity to participate in the contemporary practices of performance art.

The schedule is as follows :

07/05/2014 | 11- 17:00
Lecture / workshop of Michel Collet, Valentine Verhaeghe, Dr. Nanta Novello Paglianti and Panos Charalambous in ASFA

08/05/2014 | 18.00
Exhibition of  performance video by international collections and individual artists in beton7gallery and in the neighbourhood area of Votanikos
Performance by Michel Collet and Valentine Verhaeghe
Talk by Dr. Nanta Novello Paglianti

16/05/2014 | 11:00
Artist talk by BBB Johannes Deimling at the Athens School of Fine Arts titled " Points for the Art of performances / Notes on Performance Art"

17/05/2014 | 19:00
Performance by BBB Johannes Deimling and Andreas Pashias in beton7

20.00 | Performance by Demosthenes Agrafiotis, Nikos Gikas

19.00 | Performance by Filippos Vasileiou

19.00 & 21.00 | Performance by Antigoni Theodorou, George Moraiti, Nikolina Bairaktari, Apostolo Plachouri, Vasiliki Psarrou

19.00 | Performance by Mirto Vratsanou, Nikos Stathopoulos, Beskida Kraja

Curated by: Demosthenes Agrafiotis, Rania Kliari, Adreas Pashias

The Latin word  “videas” means “you see”. The v_ideas, performances cycle of events is dedicated to the “seeing” of performances: the “seeing” through videos from the performances of artists in various fields and trends, and the “seeing” of videos from a performative perspective. In other words, it is an exploration of the interfaces of video and performance and the potential combinations of the two media. The project aims to examine the issues that arise when the video comes to record, document and convey the unrepeatable performance, with the video itself sometimes claiming an artwork status. Performance needs its special space-time to emerge as an aesthetic object. Video aims at reifying time (investing it with duration, making it measurable and reversible) and space (a Renaissance perspective in motion). What are the forms in which the two space-times can coexist?

A performance unfolds in time and leaves no traces other than the participant’s emotions, thoughts and sensations. A video organises a reproduction of space and of actions in time, presenting it in terms of moving images and sound, and makes it possible to re-show/re-present the ”here and now” of a performance, or show its total reversal or even its subversion. The “here and now” is the main ingredient of a performance—but what happens to it when it gets caught up in the mechanism of the video? Is it merely recorded? Interpreted? Reconstructed? Could it be that the “here and now” of the performance will need a rhizomatic transcription in order to remain “here and now”? Is the video ultimately an inevitable “betrayal” of the performance? Or can the video lay claim to being equivalent or homologous to the performance?

These issues will be explored by both performances and videos in the event. There are two more elements to this venture. One is an opening-up to the spaces of the Botanical Garden, as if the Garden were the natural “habitat” for the videos and performances or, indeed, for the overall venture of ΒΕΤΟΝ7.

Secondly, the intention is to bring together performance from different generations and countries in order to demonstrate the trans-generational scope and the cultural nature of the issues in question.

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