In collaboration with:
ISBA (Institut Supérieur des Beaux Arts de Besançon)

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HEXAGONE | Exhibition 

Exhibition duration:
20.06 - 25.07.2014
Opening: June 20th, 2014 | 20.00
Exhibition hours:
Every day | 14:00 – 20.30 (Saturday & Sunday closed)


In the exhibition entitled “HEXAGONE” Beton7 Gallery presents new works by young French artists. The artists have different practices and materials with a particular understanding of artistic research. The works deal with images and cultural narratives in life as well as with the representation of personal histories, and have been developed during their stay in Athens. Their practices involve a wide range of media including sculpture, photography, installation, video and sound.

Fanny Boulord work is around the postcard. “This work around the postcard leads me to explore the city of Athens. Originally a fast and cheap medium of communication, the postcard has become progressively an object-memory of holidays, with its illustrations and colorized photographs; a small, ‘pocket’ artwork. In this exhibition I propose a unique and uncertain itinerary”.

Élodie Poncon | “For my personal work, I'm thinking about the archive digital or tangible, the different supports, technics, and how we keep and classify our memories. For this project I noticed that all the time we arrange our photos by date and place, and for the digital in folder and under-folder. So I try to arrange/ classify my photo of Greece in a different way for a series of poster.

Amandine Vaïtiare Michèle Gauthier | This work deals with the “Collection concept”. “Ιn the installation I try to create a poetic space through the technique of suspension, searching for a contrast to the projection of their shadows on the wall and to their own presence”.

Desoche Benjamin | “In our world, we are surrounded by pixels. We «become pixels» when we enter the Internet, when we «surf the wave» of the Net, we are a “pixelised” image behind which we hide ourselves. In my work I try to contest this «digital world» and our virtual image by representing them as I see them with their faults and illusions: I sculpt, I assemble and I draw, always using a logic of binary and drawing. The preparation of materials is particularly important for me. In Athens I integrated the section of mosaic. I want to confront myself to a method of craft work that allows me to discover new materials such as marble continuing my research on art and craft.

Maxime Milles Poulin | A sound piece of two hours and fifty-one minutes where y
ou can hear a robotic voice reading the script of the film Armageddon, directed by Michael Bay in 1998. This piece is a reflection on the entertainment industry. The work aims to highlight the poverty of content by removing all its visual tricks. It is also a glorification of boredom and an attempt to reintroduce it in our lives. These three monotonous hours are the antithesis of Hollywood.

Juliette Perrin-Renoud | The artist filmed and recorded people from her environment and explores themes such as communication, intimacy, time and repetition, at the same time holding a mirror to the spectator himself, encouraging conscious and subconscious aspects and self-reflection.

ISBA – Superior Institute of Fine Arts of Besançon/Franche-Comté is the only superior school of fine arts in Franche-Comté. Heir of a long history dating back to the 18th century with the Royal Academy of the Arts set up in the centre of the city. This lasted till the setting of the school in La Bouloie (headquarters of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Franche-Comté) in 1972 in the building designed by the Catalan architect Josep Lluis Sert, who also created the buildings of the MAEGHT Foundation. This building is an architectural heritage site of 20th century. Still set up on this site, the institute continues its development within the network of French artistic higher education institutions.


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