A performance and video exhibition by Francesko Kiais, the third performance from the prformance circle "ELPIDA/LEPIDA"

Duration: September 2014 23rd - 30th
Opening: September 23rd | 20:00
Exhibition hours: Monday to Friday 14.00-20.30, Saturday 14.00-18.00, Sundays closed

A performance/video exhibition about the death of three young Athenians (P. Fyssas, G.Fountoulis, M.Kapelonis)

Francesco Kiais
The work of Francesco Kiais ranges now from installation to video, to performance art. He collaborated as an artist, writer in the catalog, curator, co-curator, producer, cultural advisor at various artistic and cultural projects, exhibitions, at institutions and galleries.

In recent years, he extended his work research to the pedagogical and  didactic potential of the artistic/performative practice, working primarily with children and adolescents.

He focused now his activity on the artistic practice and promotion of Performance Art, as well on the analysis of the many different forms of actuation of a Performance.

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