Ioana Mirka | profile picture

Opening: April 17th, 2012 | 20.00 
Exhibition duration: April 17th - 28th 2012

On the show "profile picture" at Beton7 Gallery, Ioanna Myrka presents her body as a bonsai embroidered on canvas, and her thought by three videos.
By a redefinition of facts which were important in her course, she divides life into three stages and refers to her relationship with time, resistance and acceptance of herself and others.

Ioanna Myrka, Lives and works in Athens
In 2005 - 08 she graduated from the Master in “Digital Art” in the Athens School of Fine Art.
1993 - 98, B.A. in sculpture with prorfessor G. Lappas in the Athens School of fine Arts.
She also studied fashion, and graphic design in Veloudakis and Vacalo institutes.
Since 2005 she has joined in Japanese butoh dance ceminars.
She has held three solo and has taken part in many group exhibitions in Greece and aboard.
Artworks are included in Dakis Ioannou collection, and other collections.












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