Exhibition - Feature to ‘’Electric Arts’’ | ΒΕΤΟΝ7 – Tokyo (Electric Night Vol3)

Opening | Sunday, Μarch 29th 2015, Time 20.00

Exhibition duration | March 29th – April 5th


Video - Artists

Antonis Antoniou / Anna Papathanasiou / Crysanthi Bairami / Ansis Dobicins / Elina Niarhou / Mirto Vratsanou / Foteini Chantzimihail / Katerina Giannopoulou 


Performances / Epitelesis | Thodoris Trampas, Kostas Voulgaris, Elina Niarhou, Ansis Dobicins, Anna Papathanasiou, James Symbouras, Eleni Tsamadia.


Book presentation N,AI / epitelesis | Demosthenes Agrafiotis

Coordination | Palais de paris / BETON7 / Contemporary Art Showcase Athens


BETON7 and Palais de paris of Tokyo, in collaboration with the Contemporary Art Showcase Athens, sets an electric bridge from Athens to Tokyo. The ‘‘Electric Night’’ event will take place for the first time simultaneously in Tokyo Japan and at ΒΕΤΟΝ7 in Athens. It will also be presented the book "N,AI" from the famous greek poet, intermedia artist Demosthenes Agrafiotis in bilingual Japan/English edition from Estepa Press Editions, with drawings from the legendary Japan artist and member of the Gutai movement of Osaka, Takesada Matsutani. 

In ‘‘Electric Night #3’’ collaborate new Greek artists exhibiting video arts in Athens and Japan in one event that takes the form of two parallel evidences that combine both space and time with electricity.

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