
In collaboration with:

ASFA (Athens School of Fine Arts)

ISBA (Institut Supérieur des Beaux Arts de Besançon)

Veer Books


"Visions-V_Ideas, Performances”

Duration: 29 May – 24 June 2015
Opening:  29 May 2015 | 18.30
Exhibition Hours: Mon - Fri, 2.30-8.30 pm; Sat 2-6 pm

From 29 May to 24 June 2015, the second edition of the show entitled “Visions-V_Ideas, Performances” focusing on performance art, and developing networks locally and internationally, will take place at Beton7, Center for the Arts and in the wider area of Votanikos. This year‘s programme includes performances, poetry, installations, video art, workshops, and radio interviews. The gallery will present an installation by Aodán McCardle ανδ Verity Spott (Veer Books), and a series of performance videos from the collections of institutions (ISBA's Collection), and individual artists. The show starts with “Radical British poets” on the 29th and 30th of May, and a seminar on interdisciplinary art. Also this year's show invites various artists and curators  to introduce a performance artist.


- Ιnstallation by the radical poets Αodán McCardle and Verity Spott (Veer books)
- Veer Books publications are exhibited and can be obtained
- Performance videos from ISBA' Collection. Artists: Moumen Bouchala, Lindsey Viegas, Adrien Colin and Quentin Lacroix
- Performances videos from last year's exhibition “V_IDEAS, performances”, 2014. Artists: Michel Collet, Valentine Verhaeghe, Demosthenes Agrafiotis, Nikos Gikas, Filippos Vasileiou, Antigoni Theodorou, George Moraiti, Nikolina Bairaktari, Apostolos Plachouris, Vasiliki Psarrou, Mirto Vratsanou, Nikos Stathopoulos, Beskida Kraja, James Simbouras, Eleni Tsamadia

In cooperation with: ASFA (Athens School of Fine Arts), ISBA (Institut Supérieur des Beaux Arts de Besançon), Veer Books

The schedule is as follows:

Opening event 

Radical poets from UK, Ireland & Greece

Two nights of performance, poetry and music from poets who are breaking the boundaries, creating a new language of poetry for our time.

Demosthenes Agrafiotis – experimental sound and visual poet from Athens

Sean Bonney – the best UK political poet, lives in London

Dolly Dollycore – specialist in wild noise and music, from Brighton

Aodán McCardle – from Donegal, transmedia artist, poet, explores real time

Frances Kruk – from Canada, Poland and London, tunnels underneath the language

William Rowe – poetry with passionate political commitment, from London

Verity Spott – speaks the violence of our situation, with tenderness, lives in Brighton

Stephen Mooney – dislocates and resists the cynicism embedded in corporate political language.


Radical British poets on the radio show “peopletalk” by Helen Dimos ( “What does radical poetry do?”

Radical British poets (+a Greek) published by Veer Books (William Rowe, Sean Bonney, Frances Kruk, Verity Spott, Stephen Mooney, Aodán McCardle and Demosthenes Agrafiotis)


Verity Spott and Dolly Dollycore: Music (15 mins)
Demosthenes Agrafiotis:  Launch of+-Graphies (Veer), in dialogue with  "Y,ES" in Japanese and English (Estepa), "Chinese notebook" in Chinese and English(Vakxikon), "3D poem","abcIno", poem-sculpture produced by 3d printer ( with video projection: "Calligraphy" (20m)

Aodán McCardle (20 mins)


Stephen Mooney (20 mins)
William Rowe (20 mins)


Seminar: Noise, Sound, Music, Poetry (A discussion of how we work with sound in our texts and performances. Each of the Veer poets/musicians will reflect briefly on how they use sound in their work. This will be followed by free discussion and exchange of ideas and experiences among participants)

In cooperation with C.A.S.A.

Radical British (+Greek) poets – published by Veer Books (William Rowe, Sean Bonney, Frances Kruk, Verity Spott, Stephen Mooney, Aodán McCardle and Demosthenes Agrafiotis)

Night: Music/Performance/Reading

Verity Spott

Dolly Dollycore (total around 1 hour)


Frances Kruk (20 mins): Launch of lo-fi frags in-progress (Veer)
Sean Bonney (20 mins)


Performance by Eleni Tsamadia, The Code: 18 ALTER HYPEREALITY MANIFESTO,

Performance by Pato Hebert, Seeking the Sea in the Sky, curated by Adonis Volanakis


Viktor Mazin
"Radio Acropolis" in collaboration with “avtonomi akadimia” (
and welcoming participation of Joulia Strauss and James Simbouras

Be/Be/Be | ASKT/ISBA (Excentricités)

Netting the Work, Part III BETON7 (Athens)

Netting the Work is a project that merges performative interventions, political insecurities, psychological frameworks and a process-oriented timeline both in Berlin (DE) and Besançon (FR) during the MPA-B in May and  the Excentricités Performance Festival in April respectively. Third and last part of this nomadic project will be presented in the context of Visions-V_Ideas, Performances and will be held at the Athenian BETON7, a space where the travelling and deptocratic tendencies of 16 artists that followed Netting the Work in its wandering throughout Europe will finally merge.

Supported by OFAJ and ISBA 

Curating: Rilène Markopoulou, Eva Giannakopoulou 

Participating Artists
Dísa Björnsdóttir
Aggeliki Bozou
Eva Giannakopoulou
Ioanna Gouzeli
Tatiana Ilichenko 
Alexandros Kaklamanos
Samuel Kawakita
Aggelos Krallis
Thanos Kosmidis
Rilène Markopoulou
Moritz Metzner
Persefoni Myrtsou
Danae Nagel
Ilya Noé
Andreas Pashias
Panos Sklavenitis

Be/Be/Be  | ASKT/ISBA (Excentricités)

24/6:  curating by Nikos Stathopoulos

participating artists: Nefeli Voutira, Anastasia Lambrou, Maria Lympoura, Ektoras Ntourakos, Fabien Guillermont

Performance by Mio Matsuda 

29.06, 30.06, 02.07
Moritz Mattern, Berlin

3D Environments: Maya
avtonomi akadimia”, (

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