Every Tuesday evening at beton7cafe with screenings of awarded greek short films from the Short Film Festival of Drama

The series of evening screenings dedicated to the awarded greek short films from the Short Film Festival of Drama is still on beton7cafe every Tuesday at 20:30.

The next three Tuesdays, October 30th, November 6th and November 13th, at 20:30, we will watch awarded, greek short films from the 31st Short Film Festival of Drama (2008).

Screening Program for Tuesday, October 30th at 20:30:

"Instructions" (26’)  by Konstantinos Gialouridis
New Talent Award -fnac

"The encounter"
(14’)  by Tasos Goudelis
Honorary Distinction for original and contemporary filmmaking and the new look on cinema language

"The best bride" (13’)  by Neritan Zintziria
Special Award "Ntinos Katsouridis" Best newcomer director

"The bear and the rabbit"
(16’)  by Spiros Iakovidis
Special Award for the best production

Honorary Distinction for the best Editing to Panos Voutsaras

Screening Program for Tuesday, November 6th at 20:30:

(20’)  by Kostas Kakogiannis and Pabos Kouzalis
1st Prize for documentary film

(13’) by Christos Kanakis
Special Award of the Ministry of Macedonia and Thrace
Honorary Distinction for the best cinematography to Antonis Zkeris

Honorary Distinction for actor in a leading role to Yiannis Voulgarakis

"A general's widow"
(20’)  by Dimitris Kanellopoulos
Mention for her acting to Tzeni Roussea

"I am gay"
(15’) by Nikolas Kolovos
Special award for the category "Greeks of the world"

(20’) by Achilleas Kiriakidis
Honorary Distinction for the best cinematography screenplay

Screening Program for Tuesday, November13th at 20:30:

(19’)  by Iosifina Markarian
1st Prize for fiction film-Prince Film Award

"Rosmarinus Officinalis"
(17’) by Andreas Siadimas
Mention for his acting to Petros Fissoun

(7’)  by Alexanros Sipsidis and Kostas Fragkoulis
1st Prize for the best student film

"A farewell to Arms"
(5’)  by Nansi Spestsioti

Mention for her inventive and fresh cinematographic approach

"When fish fly"
(35’)  by Bilka Tzoura
Honorary Distinction for actor in a leading role to Elefteria Gerofoka

Mention for her acting to Katerina Chelmi





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