Every Tuesday evening at beton7cafe with screenings of awarded greek short films from the Short Film Festival of Drama

The series of evening screenings dedicated to the awarded greek short films from the Short Film Festival of Drama is still on beton7cafe every Tuesday at 20:30.

This Tuesday, October 2nd, at 20:30, we will watch awarded, digital, greek short films from the 34th Short Film Festival of Drama (2011) | DIGI 2011.

Screening Program for Tuesday, October 2nd:

"Gran partita" (11') by Alexandros Skouras
Best digital film prize

"Under stress" (10') by Paris Patsouridis
Second digital film prize

"Flight at the museum" (4') by Dimitris Delinikolas
Honorary Distinction

"The eater" (12') by Nikos Chronopoulos
Honorary Distinction

"Human nature" (3') by Nassos Vakalis
Honorary Distinction

"Dead on time" (11') by Andreas Labropoulos and Costas Skiftas
Honorary Distinction




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