

Elena Kosma at Beton7

Date: Saturday April 25th 2015
Time: 21.30 
General admission: 10€

Elena Kosma returns to Beton7 to present poetry of Elytis, Sepheris, Gatsos, Kambanellis, Livaditis, Kavadias, Eleftheriou, Tripoliti in musics of Theodorakis, Hadjidakis, Xarchakos, Moytsi, Andrtiopoulos, Koh. The program will also include her own songs from the first album that she is currently working on. A forerunner of this work, the "Paraisthiseis" (Hallucinations) song, released in digital form, from the Ogdoo Music Group. An atmospheric musical program, based on the "Poetry became Sons". The text reads the actress Vana Pefani. At cello, Spyros Cheimarios.



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