‘SELFY’ | dance quartet for a selfie cam


Giorgos Sioras Deligiannis



Selfy 1site




‘SELFY’ | dance quartet for a selfie cam


From Saturday 14th of April until Tuesday the 17th, at 19.00, Beton7 Gallery will present the second advanced version of the choreographic work of Giorgos Sioras Deligiannis 'SELFY' titled 'SELFY / dance quartet for a selfie cam', transferring the original solo work in quartet.




<related to the phenomenological human sense of self>


'SELFY' is a choreographic attempt to perceive the space through the lens of a selfie camera. It forms a digital canvas where human body and space coexist as a moving portrait.


During the process of 'Selfy', four different bodies, investigate the new digital space that is given to them. Through a kinesthetic approach, they try to understand, exist and create material in this two-dimensional stage of their mobile screen.


For viewing the project, it is optional to use a mobile smartphone






Choreography/Idea: Giorgos Sioras Deligiannis 

Dance: Stellatou Angeliki, Sébastien Seixas, Sania Stribakou, Drosos Skotis 

In dialogue with: Alexandros Mistriotis

Starting time:19:00

Entrance: €10/ €8

From Saturday 14th April to Tuesday 17th

 limited number of places, telephone reservation required



Beton7 | Pidnas 7, Votanikos Athens 1855 (metro station Kerameikos)

tel.: + 30 210 7512625 | www.beton7.com  - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   



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