Beton7 presents the “fresh blood” of the Royal Court: Penelope Skinner’s “The Village Bike”, directed by Peris Michailidis

Premiere: Tuesday, December 11th 2012, 21:00

A young couple, John and Becky, find refuge in a village outside the city, expecting their first born child. John devotes himself to reading pregnancy books and thus he neglects Becky. Becky’s sexual anxiety in combination to the neighbors’ curiosity and overprotection turn the, initially, snow-white comedy to a dark nightmare.

Penelope Skinner’s “The Village Bike” was first staged at London’s Royal Court Theatre and received triumphant reviews. Penelope Skinner won the George Devine Award and the Evening Standard Award for the most promising play of 2011.

Greek Translation: Aggeliki Galbeni
Stage Direction: Peris Michailidis
Costume Design: Alexia – Gloria Sapera
Music | Assistant Director: Anthi Tsirouki
Photography: Nicholas Stavropoulos
Assistant Costume Designer: Kelly Nikolaou

Spyros Perdiou, Niki Leivadari, Natalia Kalimeratzi, Orestis Trikas, Anthi Tsirouki

Premiere: December 11th 2012
Performances: Every Monday and Tuesday until 29/1/2013
Time: 21:00
Tickets: 10e 


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