The group GEFYRA presents the performance MIKRASIA in dramaturgy and direction of Leonidas Papadopoulos on Saturday, April 6th

MIKRASIA, a show tribute to the unforgettable homelands.
Narratives, songs and memories of a time and a place that marked the modern Greek history.

Dramaturgy-Direction: Leonidas Papadopoulos
Movement Counselor: Mariza Tsiga
Set Designer: Nikoleta Papadopoulou
Music-Video: Liana Tzerefou
Lights: Sofia Alexiadou
Music: Theodore Efstratiadis
Photos: Nicholas Stavropoulos
Assistan Director: Maritina Goga
Poster design & program: Fotini Filoxenidou

Cast (in alphabetical order): Fratzeska Alexandrou, Maria Vlachou, Eleni Dafni, Theodoros Efstratiadis, Manthos Kalantzis, Meti Karatza, Odiseas Kiosoglou.
Accordion: Thodoris Efstratiadis
Song, Lafta: Maria Kotsiris

Saturday and Sunday until 28/4
Start time: 18:30 pm
Duration: 70'
Ticket price: 10 € (8 € for students-unemployment)
Information and booking tickets by phone: 210 7512625
Contact persons from the Bridge Theatre Group for the show:
Eleni Dafni, 6941407597, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | Manthos Kalantzis, 6937383530, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




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