Theatrical Compositions II | "I used to be ..."
Premiere: May 13th, 2013

Hamlet and Macbeth. These two beings make a strong alliance against the fear, which overrides everything and leads human existence
to chaos.
Two beings connected with a common destiny. This of a tragedy. Two people in a desert kingdom.

Translation: George Heimonas
Concept - Composition - Director: Maria Mitropoulou
Scenography and costumes diligence: Kenny Mac Lelan
Lighting Design: Sakis Birbilis
Choreography by Despina Malliarou
Assistant Director:
Despina Monoyiou
Photos: Dimitris Skondras
Cast: Dimitris Drossos, Maria Mitropoulou

13, 14, 20, 21, 27, 28 May & 3 June 4, 2013
Monday & Tuesday

Monday & TuesdayTime: Monday 22:00 & Tuesday 20:00
Tickets (general admission): 10 €

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