Theatrical Compositions II: "Much A do About Nothing" from the theatre group Omoros
Premiere: May 15, 2013

Performances: 15,16, 22,23,24,29,30,31 May 2013
Time: 21.00
Tickets (general admission): 10 €

Omoros presents Shakespeare's comedy "Much Ado About Nothing" in dramaturgy Eleni Vlachou based on the translation of Basilis Rotas.

Two young girls of marriageable age. Two young men who have just returned from the war. The one looking for love, the other an avowed bachelor. A dance with masks and countless misunderstandings so all this prove that it was nothing but "much ado about nothing."

Direction / Dramaturgy: E
leni Vlachou
Music: Giorgos Nikitopoulos
Costumes: Annousa Mela - in collaboration with Patty Iordanidou
Lightning design: Eliza Alexandropoulou
Choreography: Tatiana Mirkou

Cast (alphabetically):
Dora Kofina, Anna Manda, Konstantinos Marcellos, Yiannis Monastiropoulos, Alkis Bakogiannis, Basilis Panayotidis, Angeliki Panagiotopoulou



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