Theatrical Compositions II: YPER presents the performance  ''Telma''

Performances: 14, 15, 16, 17 & 18 June 2013
Time: 21:00
Duration: 60 '
Tickets (general admission): 10 €

There are clear references to the poetry of A. Rimbaud: "the world is timeless, humanity simply moved."
A study of the repeatability, an exercise on the finite processes of everyday life, an experiment with ingredients of the surrealist movement and the theater of the absurd.
A trip starting staff drama of Hamlet and the tragedy in mankind.
The microcosm of Hamlet deconstructed.

Composition - Director: Alexandros Konstantinopoulos
Sets: Maria Papadopoulou
Costume: Vali Mavridis (La Reina)
Sound Design: Vera Armeni
Mask making: Zoi Arvanitis, Vali Mavridis (La Reina)
Performers: Eirini Voukelatou, Vera Armeni, Alexandros Konstantinopoulos




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