Festival Theatrical Compositions III : "SALVATORES DEI"
Excerpts from the Ascetic of Nikos Kazantzakis for only 8 performances at BETON7, in composition and direction of Maria Mitropoulou.

Dates: 23, 24, 30, 31 October & 6, 7 , 13, Nov. 14, 2013
Days: Wednesday & Thursday
Time: 21:00
Duration: 50 minutes
Ticket Price: 10 € & 5 € Students, Unemployed

The Ascetic is the key to the door of salvation, in the hands of man. It is man's attempt to redeem God to be able to redeem himself. It is the constant struggle of human existence for more freedom does not exist .
The show is a search regarding the other states of being, the being that begins from the womb and ends in the memory.

Text: Nikos Kazantzakis
Concept - Composition - Director: Maria Mitropoulou
Lighting Design: Sakis Birbilis
Scenographic diligence: Kenny Mac Lellan
Costume: Kelly Stamatopoulou
Kinesiological curated by Gina Tsagkogiorga
Assistant Director: Rosemary Monoyiou
Photo: George Alexandrakis
Artwork: Andreas Amarildo Topalis
Video Making: Dimitris Preve
Cast: Maria Mitropoulou, Despina Malliarou, Vasilis Panayotidis



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