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For a second round of performances, the performance DOCUMENT at Beton7

Premiere | Monday the 13th  January  2014, 20:00

The performance DOCUMENT presented for the first time in April 2013 at Beton7, then presented at the 

''Appeals Festival'' in Anti-Racist Festival and at the occupied ERT.

Two actors and one musician using features of performance and of political cabaret along with texts of Primo Levi, Samuel Beckett & Subcomandante Marcos, are passing in to the gray area of social and political crisis attempting to open a slit light and adress key questions: Can the world change? Can men think and do differently?



Cast: Katia Gerou, Eleana Georgouli, Leonidas Maridakis

Direction: Savvas Stroumbos


Music / Songs: Leonidas Maridakis
Lighting: Savvas Stroumbos , Dimitris Stamatis
Photo credits: Marios Zervas

Video & Trailer credits: Chryssanthi Badekas


Monday 13/1/2014, 8pm | Saturday 20/1/2014, 8pm | Saturday 27/1/2014, 8pm
From February 3d to March 4th, 2014: every Monday and Tuesday at 9pm 


After the performance, for those who want, followed by a discussion with the actors.
Duration: 60'
Tickets: 12 € & 10 € (students, Unemployed)
Special prices for groups over 5 persons.

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