Theatrical Compositions III: Carousel by A. Schnitzler

5, 6, 12, 13, 19, 26, 27 March 2014
: Wednesday & Thursday
Performances Time:
* The show is improper under 16 years.
Ticket Price:
10 € & 5 € Student, Unemployed

Four actors come on stage to narrate stories as a documentary that captures the sexual behavior of modern people . Changing roles in a merciless maypole transformations, are the heroes of the project for a while, singing about love , dancing, chating , revenge , call , cheat , torture , tortured , resist , drifting, left, but he always left alone the bittersweet taste. "But when you believe in love, surely there will be someone who will fall in love ... ''

Translation: Alexandros Cohen
Directed Dramaturgy-Music: Aggeliki Karystinou
Music: The Boy
Choreography: Tonia Vasilakou
Curator and video: Spyros Paparoulias
Lighting: Nickos Vlasopoulos
Photos: John Bormpantonakis
Cast: Joanna Kanellopoulou, Vassia Christou,  Vangelis Lascaris, Michael Fragkiadakis
In the intercalated texts of the performance, Yannis Adamis collaborated



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