A Country without Words |
Dia Loher | Performance

A Country without Words | Dea Loher
Dates: 6,7,13,14,20,21,27,28 December & January 3,4,10,11,17,18,24,25
Friday & Saturday
Premiere: Friday, December 6, 2013
Performances Time: 21:00
Ticket Price: 10 € & 5 € Student, Unemployed
Duration: 55 '

The Beton7 presents the play of Dia Loher "A Country without Words" which rises for the first time in Greece. The work premiered in Munich in 2007, followed by performances in many countries of Europe.

Translation: Aggeliki Gkalmpeni
Direction / Adaptation: Peris Michailidis
Video: Lara
Music / Lighting: S. Thomas
Valeria Christodoulidou, Maria Gitsa



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