Theatrical Compositions ΙΙΙ: HANNELE | Performance

The project "The Hannele goes to heaven" (Hannele's Himmelfahrt), by the German Nobel nominated laureate author Gerhard Chaouptman comes into light once adapted for an actor and a small ensemble, titled "HANNELE", an original musical by Michalis Goutis.

Duration performances:
7, 8, 14, 15, 21, 22, 28, 29 May 2014
Days performances:
Wednesday & Thursday
Time of performances:
Wednesday at 20.00 and Thursday at 22.00
Event Duration:
50 minutes
Ticket Price:
10€ & 5€ Student, Unemployed

The small Hannele attempts to commit suicide by falling into the
village lake Omperntorf. Whatever she had lived, hoped and feared to live, pass in front of her in a musical journey starring everyone she knew, alive or dead,  heroes of her youthful imagination, a vision where the past, present and future are indistinguishable .
The original music for voice, piano and flute performed live are influenced by romanticism, jazz and avant-garde.

The issue of suicide of a teenager, is a taboo subject at the time that the original play was written, always remains the same shocking and lay bare the true beliefs of a society towards a young girl who is challenging by  conflicting religious prejudices and social preventions.

Performed by:
Voice: Lina Kalpazidou
Piano: Michael Goutis
Flute: Natasa Baka
Composition text, directed by Lina Kalpazidou
Composition, Piano: Michael Goutis
Translation: Constantinos Kritsis
Lighting: Zwi Molivda Fameli
Photos, Poster: Artemis Schubert




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