






Beton7 Gallery presents the solo exhibition of Fotini Gouseti 



Opening: May 13, 2016, 8:00 p.m.

Duration: from May 13 to 28, 2016

Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 14:00 to 19:00


Fotini Gouseti | Renkonto


Beton7 Gallery presents the solo exhibition of Fotini Gouseti titled "Renkonto". 

Renkonto was a temporary playful point of interaction between artists and non artists, derived from two neighboring countries, which happen to have strained diplomatic relations. In order for this common space to become clear, a wedding celebration was created in order to guide to the project claims. The event took place in Krusevo, consisted of three parts and lasted three days. In this context and in cooperation with the Obsessive Possessive Aggression (O.P.A.), artists from both countries participated in an initial meeting. The action ended with an open party in downtown Krusevo.

Renkonto is not specifically included in the field of performing arts, it is more a public gesture that extends beyond the event, and supports a human interaction placed in a festive frame.

Renkonto challenges the boundaries between art and real life, using the association to raise questions about the negative connotations hidden in relations between neighboring states or close societies or groups. What happens when you meet in person the one you have learned not to like?


Invited meeting participants: Vladimir Janchevski, Vassilis Noulas, Sofia Grigoriadou, Obsessive Possessive Aggression, Kostas Tzimoulis, Ana Lazarevska, Ioanna Chatzipanigyri, Filip Jovanovski, Fotini Gouseti.

Participated artists: Maria Iconomopoulou, Momu & No Es, Chara Drandaki, Eden Mitsenmacher Tordjman.


Fotini Gouseti was born in Athens (1974). She graduated from the E' painting workshop and B' printmaking workshop of the Athens School of Fine Arts (Gr). She has a graduate degree from the Dutch Art Institute (DAI).

She has participated in many group and solo exhibitions including: Making Use at Van Abbemuseum, Motion/Labour/Machinery in TENT Rotterdam, Attraction of the Opposites in Cucosa in Rotterdam, and in the 4th Biennial of Athens, AGORA.

Starting in 2012 with the the artistic research project The Present as a Result of the Past, she has presented the results in solo exhibitions Light Beige With Little Black Flowers in the gallery Joey Ramone in Rotterdam, and in Grimmuseum in Berlin.

She is a PhD candidate in the department of History, Archaeology and Cultural Management at University of Peloponnese.

She lives and works in Rotterdam and Athens.


Kindly sponsored by ALFADOMIKI and Parthenis.



















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