Musical Compositions 2015

14th – 15th and 20th – 22th March | 20:30

Artistic direction: Maira Milolidaki, Titos Gouvelis

Dates: 14th – 15th and 20th – 22th March
Time: 20:30 
Ticket prices: 10€ general admission & 8€ student, unemployed


Each concert of Musical Compositions is in everyone's mind as a conscious act of trust and optimism. Act of trust for the Great Music's aura (older or younger) and act of genuine optimism that this music bears and talks in our souls. Οur armour towards the abject and the inconsequential will always remain impenetrable. 

For five years now, the basement of Beton7 becomes the base for fine musical creationΣ from artists that resist by broadcasting their message with inspiration and passion.


Maira - Τitos

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Programme 2015


Saturday 14th of March

Song recital of tenor Christos Delizonas

Arias from operas by g. Donizetti, g. Verdi, Massenet, j. p. i. Tchaikovsky, g. Puccini, u. Giordano and g. c. Menotti

Sunday 15th of Sunday

BÉLA BARTÓK (1881 – 1945)
Sixth door from the Opera "Ariane et Barbe-Bleue"

Iossif Valette (borned 1968)
Cravings of the ego (Arias from the Opera "Ego") 

JOHN ADAMS (borned 1947)
This is prophetic, from the opera «Nixon in China»

PHILIP GLASS (borned 1937)
Quotes from Suite for solo piano from the opera «Orphée» (transcription: Paul Barnes)

LUCIANO BERIO (1925 – 2003)
Sequenza III 

GYÖRGY LIGETI (1923 – 2006)
«Le Grand Macabre»

Maira Milolidaki, soprano
Iossif Valette, piano
Barytone Kostis Mavrogenis

Friday March 20th 2015

PAUL HINDEMITH (1895 – 1963)
Introduction from the 
Fying Dutchman" opera

Nikos Skalkotas (1904 – 1949)
Ten drawings for strings quartet

Igor Stravinsky (1882 – 1971)
Three songs for strings quartet

Minimax (Repertoire for military Orchestra),
for strings quartet

Phaedon Meliades (violin), Euegene Zibai (violin), 
Angela Giannaki (viola),
Aggelos Liakakis (violoncelo)

Saturday March 21th

Emilios Riades (1880 – 1935)
Variations from the String Quartet in g

Dmitri Shostakovich (1906 – 1975)
String Quartet No. 10 in a flat major, op. 118

Johannes Brahms (1833 – 1897)
With Clarinet Quintet in b minor, op. 115

Strings quartet «Emilios Riades»: 
Andrew Papanicolaou (violin), George Kougioumtzoglou (violin), Alexandra Boltsi (viola), Lila Manwla (cello)

Iannis Karagiannidis, clarinet

Sunday, March 22, 2015

BOHUSLAV MARTINŮ (1890 – 1959)
Trio for flute, cello and piano, h. 300 (1944)

Trio No. 1 for flute, cello and piano, op. 83 (2002)

Nikolai Kapustin (borned. 1937)
Trio for flute, cello and piano, op. 86 (1986)

Zacharias Tarpagkos, flute
Liakakis Angel , cello
Titus Goybelis, piano

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