

Under the auspices of






«Os ta trimmata tou adamantos - Ο Exintavelonis»

The Miser of Moliere at ΒΕΤΟΝ7 Center for the Arts

Dates:  8, 14, 21, 22, 28 February and 1, 7, 8, 14, 15, 21, 22*, 28, March & April 4th 2015
Time: 18:00
Tickets: 12€ general admission, 5€ student, unemployed

The educational action of BETON7 theatre under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture, within the framework of the Theatrical Compositions 2014-2015. The the performance "Exintabelonis" or "Os ta trimmata tou adamantos" for high school students, which has as central action a theatrical performance of the project of Konstantinos Oikonomou "O Exintabelonis" (the Miser by Moliere).

Tha play
"The Miser" of Moliere, was published anonymously in 1816 in Vienna, from Constantinos Oikonomos, scholar, teacher and then priest in Smyrna. "The Miser" is not only a stingy, that causes laughter with his obsessions, but also a compulsive father, a bully to family and social scale. It is moreover an undignified, lustful, socially unbearable exploiter, an enemy of education, of the social State, of enlightenment and any notion of freedom.

The liberal spirit in this text meets the linguistic vibrancy with colorful and critical use of idiomatic speech. The Housekeeper knows in depth not only the French version of Filargyroy (Molière) and all the others, as he explains in her introduction, which is listed in the version by way of manifesto. we can assume that its not leaking and the Cretan "Katzourbos" moving in similar thematic scale.

Directed by: Maria Fragki
Sets-Costumes: Anna Maxairianaki
Music: Stefanos Ganotis
Lights: Maria Fragki
Photographies: Alexandra Xyda
Video Art: Anastasis-Panagis Meletis 
Assistant director: Katerina Grammatikaki

Katerina Grammatikaki, Panos Kordalis, Natassa Kosmidou, Evasia Koutoulaki, Maria Xypolita, Giorgos Roustemis, Kostas Tzouanas

Sunday the 22th of March, Leandros Polenakis, theoretician and theatre critic, will introduce the play: "Os ta trimmata tou adamantos - Ο Exintavelonis" at 5.30pm. Telephone booking is necessary.




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