Carousel | Performance | March '14

Graffito, as wild | Performance | Feb '14

The wild duck | Performance | Feb '14

DOCUMENTO | Performance | January, February, March

Pelican | January '14

Lie! Lie! LIe! | Performance | Jan '14

A Country without Words | Performance | Dec '13- Jan '14

Julia on the Divan | Dec 13

Edda, Carmen and other | Performance | Dec '13

BETON | Performance | Nov ΄13

SALVATORES DEI | Performance | Oct - Nov ΄13

The Medium Project | October '13


Aphrodite and Adonis | Performance | September 13

Shakespeare Seasons | Nostalgia | Performance | June '13

Telma | Yper | Performance | June '13

SEXPERIENCE | Performance | May 13

I used to be ... | Performance | May 13

Much Ado About Nothing | Omoros | Performance | May 2013

DOCUMENTO | April 13

MIKRASIA | April 13

WILLIAM SAVED THE QUEEN | Performance | April 13

Hamlet-the gravediggers | Performance | April '13

OTHELLO PROJECT | Performance | March '13

MACBETH - Rock and Roll never dies | Performance | March '13

... OR NOT TO LOVE | Performance | Feb '13

Measure for Measure | Performance | Febr '

YELP danceco | Performance | Jan '13

Theatrical Compositions 2012 - 2013

Τhe Village Bike | Dec. 2012

Picasso - In the Eye of the Bull

Odysseus’ opinion has won | Performance

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