The Other designs | Exhibition | Oct-Nov' 14

Locked in | Exhibition | Oct '14

MHTyHR/RHyTHM | Exhibition | Sept '14

HEXAGONE | Exhibition | June - July '14

COLLATERAL | Exhibition | May - June '14


Visions-V_Ideas, Performances | Exhibition | May-June '15

Lefcadio Hearn | Exhibition| March - April '14

Work in Μοnoplane | Exhibition | Jan - March '14

Spheres.Models | Exhibition | Jan '14

Night of the World | Giorgos Maraziotis | Exhibition | Nov-Dec '13

The in-Tension | epitelesis - Performance Art Foundation | Nov '13

I am the river | Ilir Kaso | Exhibition | Sep - Oct ΄13

The Ends of Art | Exhibition | July '13

KAYKASOS | ASSEMBLAGE ALIENE | Exhibition | June '13

«Performative in-stallations» | Demosthenes Agrafiotis | Performances | May '13

The 7000 Oaks of Joseph Beuys | Apr 13

Arbitrariness | Maria Paschalidou | Mar 13

Artworks at beton7cafe | "Adriana Cahova" | Feb-Mar 2013

re-visiting | Kleoni Manousaki | video works | Feb-Mar 2013

Artworks at beton7cafe | Urban Details 2013 Project in A3 | Feb '13

Artworks at beton7cafe | «If I had a heart» | Martha Lianostathi | Dec 2012

DO YOU REMEMBER? A show by "long vehicle" | Exhibition | Dec '12

Ηοme: a wandering | Artemis Alcalay | Exhibition | Nov '12

ELECTRIC NIGHTS | Medea Electronique "Beyond Reasoning" | Νοv '12

The Future in the South | Exhibitions | Oct '12

The thorn of beauty | Despina Meimaroglou / Eleni Lyra | Exhibition | Sep-Oct '12

DAS GELD UND DIE GRIECHΕN | Installation | July-Sep '12

Exhibition by Artiries | Exhibition | June '12

Collecting the City | Maria and Natalia Petschatnikov | Exhibition | May '12

profile picture | Ioanna Mirka | Exhibition | April '12

Routes | Vasiliki Psarou | Exhibition | April '12

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